2. GLOBAL MEETING on CRC in Schools on ZOOM - March 20, 2022
- Per Wickenberg
- 2022-03-21 13:14
All the 10 PPT from the 2. GLOBAL MEETING on CRC in Schools on Zoom - March 20, 2022 - are now uploaded under ARCHIVE as Reports.
GLOBAL MEETING on CRC in Schools on ZOOM - March 20, 2022
- Per Wickenberg
- 2022-02-19 15:22
Meeting on zoom December 18 for ALL the CRC Change
- Per Wickenberg
- 2021-12-05 18:26
Meeting on zoom December 18 for ALL the CRC Change Agents
See more in the attachment here above and on the the member facebook-group here:
More information will come later!
Heartily welcome!
Yanneth Sanchez in Batch 17 - globalcrcolombia@gmail.com
Per Wickenberg, Child Rights Institute, CRI, Lund University, Sweden
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1st Congress on Research around Inclusive Education and Diversity
We are pleased to share the participation of the CRC Colombian Network in the 1st Research Congress: Debates about inclusive education and diversity. Education Faculty at Universidad El Bosque ( Bogotá) last November the 6th. It was a great opportunity to promote the Convention and the globalcrconline platform with a group of young future teachers.
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10th World Congress for the Talent of Childhood
We are pleased to share our participation in the 10th World Congress for the Talent of the Childhood in the Third Millenium organized by the Colombian Delegation of ELIC Foundation (Free Schools of Scientific Research for Children) in conjunction of National and Externado Universities of Colombia. This event was held from October 18th to 22nd and the central topic was: Let's investigate peace. María Fernanda Téllez, Astrid Núñez, and Yanneth Sánchez were promoting the CRC change projects along with the global crc online platform.
Nos complace compartir nuestra participación en el 10o Congreso Mundial para el Talento de la Niñez en el Tercer Milenio organizado por la Delegación colombiana de la Fundación ELIC (Escuelas Libres de Investigación Científica para Niños) en unión con las universidades Nacional y Externado de Colombia. Este evento tuvo lugar del 18 al 22 de octubre y tuvo como tema central: Investiguemos la paz. María Fernanda Téllez, Astrid Núñez y Yanneth Sánchez estuvieron promoviendo los proyectos de cambio en torno a la CDN además de la plataforma global.
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Workshop: Introducing the Global CRC Online Platform
Recently, our Colombian Change Agent, Judith Castellanos, participated as speaker in the Meeting of Graduates of Bilingualism at El Bosque University - Bogotá. There she made a workshop to promote the global CRC platform as a free access course about the Convention of the Rights of the Child and its application in the classroom. She got a very good response and interest from the audience.
Recientemente, nuestra Agente de Cambio, Judith Castellanos, participó como oradora en el Encuentro de Egresados de Licenciatura en Bilinguismo de la Universidad El Bosque en Bogotá. Allí desarrolló un taller para promover la plataforma global de CDN como un curso de libre acceso acerca de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño y su aplicación en el salón de clase. Tuvo también una buena respuesta e interés por parte del auditorio.
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Workshop at Universidad de Caldas in Manizales - Colombia
We had an important event at Universidad de Caldas in Manizales - Colombia to promote our CRC Platform with a group of students of the Master Program in Social Justice and Peace Building. We were invited by Professor Alba Lucía Rengifo who is also an intern of Lund University. We are strengthening relations to support our purpose of defending and diseminating the Children Rights in the country. I want to thank especially to our Mentor Anneli Holmgren who contacted us and lent a hand to develop the workshop about The Child.
Tuvimos un evento muy importante en la Universidad de Caldas en Manizales - Colombia con un grupo de estudiantes del Programa de Maestría en Justicia Social y Construcción de Paz. Fuimos invitados por la Maestra Alba Lucía Rengifo quien es también becaria de la Universidad de Lund. Estamos estrechando relaciones para alcanzar nuestro propósito de defender y difundir los Derechos de los Niños/as. Quiero agradecer especialmente a nuestra Mentora Anneli Holmgren quien nos contactó y nos ayudó en el desarrollo del taller sobre El Niño/a.
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Workshop at Universidad de Caldas in Manizales - Colombia
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Change Agent, Bibiana Rubio, Doctor in Social Studies - Colombia
Last May 17, 2019 our partner and Change Agent, Bibiana Rubio Saavedra, got her Doctorade in Social Studies, Childhood and Youth from Universidad de Manizalez - Colombia. We congratulate her for this great achievement and her constant efforts to disseminate the Child Rights. Her thesis deals with: school as experience. Political emotions, moral imagination and citizenships for peace.
VIII Seminar Pro Children Rights - VIII Seminario por los Derechos de los Niños y las Niñas
We are pleased to inform you that last August 27 the VIII Seminar for the Rights of Children was held at the Externado de Colombia University. This event was attended by the scholars of the International Course Children rights and school management sponsored by the University of Lund.
The objective of the seminar was to sensitize teachers about the rights of children, encourage their daily practice in the educational context and make visible change projects that promote the staging of children's rights.
Nos complace informarles que el pasado 27 de agosto se celebró el VIII Seminario por los Derechos de los Niños y las Niñas en la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Este evento contó con la participación de los becarios del Curso Internacional sobre la Gestión de los Derechos de los Niños y las Niñas en la Escuela de la Universidad de Lund.
El seminario tuvo como objetivos sensibilizar a los maestros y maestras acerca de los derechos de la niñez, fomentar su práctica diaria en el contexto educativo y visibilizar proyectos de cambio que promueven la puesta en escena de los derechos de los niños y las niñas.