Part A - individual work

To watch

  • Watch the film by Per Wickenberg and Bodil Rasmusson (below - 4 minutes) researchers at Lund University and mentors and lecturers in the international training programme "Child Rights, Classroom and School Management".
  • Reflect and take some notes for the folder: 
    - What was new to you? 
    - What was important to you?
  • Save your reflections in a folder as they might come in handy when you will discuss with your colleagues.

  • Watch the other film (below - 5 minutes) and meet Ms Ta Thuy Hanh, Mr Mohandas E.P.P. and Ms Christina Kafulo. They will share their reflections on "Participation".
  • Reflect and make some notes for the folder.
    - Was anything new to you? 
    - Take an example of participation in your practice and write it down.
  • Save your reflections in the your folder for further use in the discussions to come.