The message from Lecturer and Mentor Mrs,Agneta w flinck,
When the International Training Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management started in 2003 there were applications from Sri Lanka representing various areas in education. As I have worked in Sri Lanka in some projects since 1981 I was very happy to see that the Sri Lankans still were eager to learn more in the area of education. I was even happier when it was decided that I would be the mentor of the Sri Lankan teams. It was an honor to me to for years to come to still be in contact with the educational area in Sri Lanka. Specifically as the role of the mentor also implied a visit to each project to experience in reality the various implemented projects, representing many important areas within education.
In the beginning most of the team members were from the Colombo area, representing many areas within education such as schools, teacher education, the Ministry of Education, the National Institute of Education. The topics also varied depending on what was most needed at the time. Later on team members represented the Kandy area where also many interesting and challenging project started. After some batches the discussion about how to support each other started. The result was to create networks, one in Colombo and another in Kandy. Usually they all met on a yearly basis, but the regional networks met more often.
Every time I visited the projects on site I was impressed by the variety of the projects. In Child Rights there is a presentation of the 3Ps, Protection, Provision and Participation. The projects implemented covered all three Ps, not in the same project, but looking back it is very clear that all three Ps have a good representation. The teams did not hesitate to deal with rather difficult areas of Child Rights or difficult geographical areas. Every visit made me so proud. I experienced happy children, happy eyes with twinkling stars, motivated teachers and parents and also satisfied educational administrators.
Now comes the next phase of the programme and that has to do with introducing new members in the world of Child Rights, Classroom and School Management by means of internet. I am sure that the dedicated change agents within the networks will manage this new approach in the best way. Congratulations to all the good work and Good Luck in the next phase.
Agneta w flinck,
Division of Education, Department of sociology, Lund university. Lecturer and mentor in the international training programme “Child Rights, Classroom and School Management”, 2003-2018
The message from the country Coordinator of Sri Lanka - Gamini Rathnatissa
The message from the country Coordinator of Sri Lanka
It's a great pleasure to forward this message for introducing a Global CRC Online Digital platform which aims at securing the rights of children. Sri Lanka, along with 16 other countries contributes to protect the rights of children through this digital platform.
From 2003 to 2016 the Lund University of Sweden took the initiative in empowering and mentoring nearly 800 professionals from 24 countries including Sri Lanka. We highly appreciate the sponsorship provided by SIDA to make this endeavor a success.
SIDA has been helping Sri Lanka for a long period of time not only in the field of Education but also in many other fields like construction, irrigation and so on which have directly contributed to the process of development of Sri Lanka.
Continuation of such assistance for more than two three decades is not an easy task. In relation to Child Rights, the mentors are the secret behind in providing the leadership and making leaders which enhance the successful continuation of this programme. Their dedication and commitment can be highly appreciated. While enriching the community this will also help in protecting the pleasant world of the children.
Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Coordinator of Child Rights, Prof. Per Wickenberg, Agneta, Bodil, Ulf, Emma, Dena, Lena, Andreas, Lovisa and other Personnel of Lund University and SIDA , the delegates from India, all the distinguished guests and the Sri Lankan Change Agents for their support to make this event a great success.
M.G.Gamini Rathnatissa
Chairman and country coordinator National Network for Child Rights – Sri Lanka